Fear Street is a horror film trilogy released in July of 2021, with only a week separating each movie. The story of Fear Street follows two towns in 1994, Shadyside and Sunnyvale. Shadyside is well known for its series of reoccurring murders and gruesome crimes. Meanwhile, Sunnyvale enters its 30th year with no violent crimes and is considered one of the best places to live. Shadyside and Sunnyvale are rival towns and are always pitted against each other, whether in a high school football game or just general resentment.
In the movie, the locals come up with a story to explain the misfortune that falls upon Shadyside and its inhabitants. It is believed that there was a young witch, Sarah Fier, who cut her hand off to sell her soul to the devil and, in turn, get eternal life and curse Shadyside. Those who commit the gruesome murders come up with a rhyme to lighten the load of the people in their community dying. To summarize the rhyme, it says that she will possess the murderers and make them do her bidding. But how exactly does that fit into the story?
That’s where we meet our initial characters. First is Deena, who is recovering from a bad breakup with her ex-girlfriend Sam. Sam moved to Sunnyvale after her parents got a divorce and Deena broke up with her. Then, there is Josh, who is Deena’s little brother. He is what would be considered a nerd and likes to obsess and analyze the murders of Shadyside. Next is Deena’s best friend and Josh’s crush, Kate. Kate is the student council president, cheer captain, and a drug dealer. She does this with Simon, her and Deena’s other friend, to gather enough money to get out of Shadyside. One thing almost every teenager has in common with each other in Shadyside is the desire to leave their cursed town. But that all flies out the window when Sam and Deena get back together for one night and manage to wake the witch.
The teenagers all go to a moonlight vigil to honor the victims of yet another killing spree, this time at a mall. This is where the tension arises and cracks as fights break out between Shadysiders and Sunnyvalers. Shadysiders get back on the bus home but are still pumped full of energy. Deena looks out the emergency exit and sees Sam and her new boyfriend. Her new boyfriend is wearing the mask the mall killer wore and throwing beer bottles at the bus. Deena throws a jug full of water and, in turn, crashes the car. Sam stumbles out of the vehicle and upon the bones of Sarah Fier. Her blood touches a spare femur, and she sees a vision of the witch. But I’m afraid I can’t say much more. If I did, I’d spoil the movie. All three parts are available on Netflix to watch if you have further interest in the trilogy. It’s an especially good movie to watch at night and for this year’s upcoming Halloween.
Fear Street review
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About the Contributor
Jordan Shannon, Entertainment Writer
Jordan is a Freshman at Richwoods High School. She enjoys reading, writing, and listening to music in her spare time. She aspires to join many clubs this year and only time will tell how many she joins!