Staff Feature: Ms. Andrews
Richwoods’ New Junior AP
Mrs. Andrews has started her first year at Richwoods as our new Junior Assistant Principal. Starting her career as an English teacher at ICC, she has worked for the district for nearly 30 years. Mrs. Andrews has an extensive background in education. She received her associates at ICC, her bachelor’s at Bradley, her master’s in teaching and leadership at St. Xavier University, and a master’s in administration and reading at Grand Canyon University. Mrs. Andrews is currently studying for her doctorate as well; she is pleased to announce that, in December of 2022, she will officially be Dr. Andrews.
As a staff member, Mrs. Andrews claims that one of the most rewarding aspects of working at Richwoods is working and forming relationships with her peers, staff, and students. She is excited to see her first batch of juniors move on to become seniors. Mrs. Andrews is dedicated to her juniors. Whether it’s a meeting about excess tardies or a merit hall, she will never let a student leave a meeting without checking their grades and making sure they’re on track. Since many of her students haven’t had a full school year in-person since the eighth grade, she makes it her top priority for students to become more serious and prepared for their senior year.
Regarding technology, Mrs. Andrews thinks that since they already use phones so much, students should also use it as a tool for success by using academic apps (such as Skyward, Remind, and creating their own reminders.) Although going into administration was not something she saw herself doing, she has found great fulfillment in it, realizing that she has an aptitude for it. However, she admits that growing up she did not have an aptitude for math. She doesn’t mind it much now, but is still quick to pull out a calculator instead of resorting to mental math.

Sarah Allen is a senior at richwoods high school and part of the ib programme. She enjoys theater, music and service. She is president of the interact...