Encountering the Unbelievable
Jack Hammerton gets a hole in one
Jack and Coach Hogan discuss on the course
On the September 8th, Jack Hammerton was playing for the Richwoods Varsity Golf team against Illinois Valley Central High School in a dual meet when, on Hole 6, he managed to hit a hole in one. Hole six at Kellogg Golf Course is a long three hundred and twenty-four yards to the pin. Jack teed the ball upas if it were any other hole, not even entertaining the possibility of a hole in one, but just focusing on driving the ball well. When he hit the ball, he knew he had driven it well, but what Jack did not know is hat he made that rare hole in one. Mr. Hogan went crazy after Jack hit his drive, however Jack just thought that Mr. Hogan was just messing with him. As Jack approached the green, he saw that there was a crowd of people standing around the hole. Mr. Hogan yelled “IT WENT IN”, and that is when the realization that Jack had just hit his first hole in one hit him.
Not only was this Jack’s first hole in one, but it was also his first albatross (three strokes under par), which is a very hard feat to achieve in golf. The estimated chances of making an albatross are 6 million to 1, according to the PGA. The PGA pro at Kellogg said that he has not seen a hole in one on Hole 6 since he has been there. Jack described the feeling as “ecstatic” when he realized what he had accomplished. Jack ended up finishing the match with medal honors and a 181-163 win over IVC. His dad, who was not able to attend the meet, called him after the meet was over. Jack knew how much his father has wanted to make an albatross, so it made Jack very happy to have checked that off his golf bucket list before his dad. Despite Jack’s dad being very jealous of him, he was also very proud of his son’s accomplishment. Jack’s grandfather, who normally attends all his meets, was not able to make it on time to see the hole in one but told Jack after he got there not to let it go to his head because he has a long way to go. Later Jack was nominated for athlete of the week by the Peoria Journal Star. Although he did not win, it was an honor to even be one of the few nominated for the contest. Jack has been a standout golfer for not only Richwoods, but the Peoria area as well and has been an outstanding ambassador for the school throughout his tenure at Richwoods.

Nolan is a senior at Richwoods and is an IB student. He also claims to be good-looking. At Richwooods Nolan is involved in multiple clubs, varsity goalie...

Audrey is a senior at Richwoods and is a raging antisocial. She is in student council, KISA, and Film Club. Audrey's favorite food is pizza, specifically...