We’ve all heard the saying, “New Year, New Me,” but let’s be honest, by February it’ll probably just be, “New Year, Same Me.” For most people making a New Years Resolution helps to express their desires to improve themselves. Often people feel like they gain a bit of control over their lives, and they get a fresh start.
The most common New Years Resolutions include learning new things and making improvements to our physical and mental health. Often within a couple weeks people quit their resolutions because they set unrealistic expectations and aren’t seeing progress soon enough. That’s our problem, we focus too much on our failures rather than all the small wins we reach along the way. A fresh start isn’t about transforming in an instant, but about taking it one step at a time.
While the excitement of a “New Year, New Me” might fade, the steady effort to be a little better than yesterday is what truly makes a difference in the long run.
Student/Teacher Interviews:
What is a New Years Resolution you made? Why?
Person 1- To read the Bible every day and deepen my faith.
Person 2- Run every day, because it’s fun and makes her feel better.
Person 3- To find love.
Person 4- To do better in school.
Person 5- To workout more.
Person 6- Read 5 books this year.
Person 7- To find a boyfriend.
Person 8- To find a boyfriend.
Person 9- Eat healthier and save money. I chose to eat healthier because I don’t want to get fat. I chose to save money because I have an expensive taste.
Do you still follow your resolution? Is it easy? What is the hardest part?
Person 1- Some days I forget to read but that’s where I give myself grace and try again the next day.
Person 2- Yes, The hardest part is running after school even when I’m tired.
Person 3- No.
Person 4- Yes, not easy. The hardest part is getting my work done on time.
Person 5- Yes, not easy. The hardest part is being consistent.
Person 6- Yes, very easy. The hardest part is finding time to read.
Person 7- Yes, it is very had. The hardest part is finding the right person.
Person 8- Yes, it is not easy. The hardest part is talking to people.
Person 9- Yes, it’s alright. The hardest part is self-control and limiting myself.
In the end, New Year’s resolutions help to remind us that change takes time. While there are challenges, it’s the small, efforts that lead us to growth. Instead of expecting instant change, we should focus on steady progress and celebrate the little wins along the way.